Jason Alexander Explains Susan Ross Death on Seinfeld

Jason Alexander Explains Susan Ross Death on Seinfeld

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  • Why was Susan Ross Vanquished on Seinfeld?

The quintessential question is why Susan Ross was vanquished on Seinfeld. It’s a legitimate query that was recently answered by Jason Alexander.

George’s fiancé was eliminated in the 7th season of Seinfeld. The fact that she was an irritant that didn’t even allow George access to Marisa Tomei remains a hotly debated point of order. And as far as her sudden death is concerned, it was so shocking that it knocked the audience’s socks off.

After Susan had applied her saliva to the glue on the third class envelopes she just choked and gave up the ghost. And guess what…the envelopes were for wedding invitation purposes.

Later on the tongues started wagging. Some said that it was due to Jason Alexander’s animosity towards Heidi Swedberg that the drastic action had been taken. But Alexander sat down with shock jock Howard Stern to spill the details regarding the whole shebang.

He said (via E! News) that as an actress she was a terrific woman of substance and that he truly loved her. Then what gives? Well, it appears to be the case that comic gut instinct was at fault here.  

There was a mismatch between the timing and synchronicity levels of both of them. Whenever she started doing something funny, he would concur but it always ended up being a botched procedure.

This was a source of great chagrin for Alexander. And his colleagues on set were blind to this fault. Neither did Jerry Seinfeld or Julia Louis Dreyfus see anything askew in the whole deal. This further complicated matters. Finally, Larry David had to eliminate Susan from the episode altogether. 

Alexander contends though that this was not his intention since Heidi was the very epitome of an innocent angelic soul. Susan was not a pain in the neck but she was creating slight problems on set and so she had to go. And the ruse of poisonous envelopes was the easiest way to do away with a character in a more or less humorous if quirky way.

Actors and actresses have their roles to play onscreen and sometimes the acting process brings out hidden psychopathology and full-blown complexes that interfere with proper enactment of the scenes on camera. 

The fact that Susan had a communication gap with her fellow co-stars is not something new. It has been happening since times immemorial. The only difference is that nowadays the audiences demand extra perfection from their fantasy figures on the boob tube. And it was there that she stumbled and fell much to the dis/4/of her countless fans. 

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