Lady Gaga Greets Prince Harry in Revealing Ensemble

Lady Gaga Greets Prince Harry in Revealing Ensemble

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The drama queen of a pop star, Lady Gaga greeted Prince Harry in a revealing ensemble recently. This bore similarity with Bieber’s meeting with the Canadian prime minister.

When Justin Bieber met the Canadian prime minister he wore a foolish dress (overalls to be exact) and was instantly called the Prince of White Trash by the media.

Justin of course later on cleared up the matter by saying that he had met the prime minister in a hockey arena so he should not be held responsible for not changing his clothes on such a short notice. Well, that provides some perspective on the social blunder.

But Lady Gaga is Lady Gaga. She is used to appearing in public in all sorts of shocking apparel such as a meat dress, wearing a lobster hat and ensconced in an artificial egg too. So when Prince Harry was in London, Lady Gaga and Tony Bennet, who is an old codger always seen by her side at all times nowadays, met him.

Lady Gaga wore a very sexually provocative dress on the occasion. When she earlier met him, she had on a more modest ensemble. But later on when the time came for a photo session, she wore a white dress which showed her bountiful breasts except for the nipples (of course!)…and then when she went outside on the London streets she just went barmy fashion-wise. 

Lady Gaga wore a fishnet dress through which her whole body could be clearly seen and her headpiece was very weird and exotic to boot. She /4/be creative and everything but it appears to be the case that this woman has no sense of decency or propriety.

What she fails to comprehend is how the media will ultimately tear her down after building her up. What do all these outrageous fashion statements, that get louder and more obnoxious with the times, signify except for the decline of Western culture and civilization.  

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