Charles Manson and Fiance make their Bond Legal via Marriage License

Charles Manson and Fiance make their Bond Legal via Marriage License

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The murderer Charles Manson and his fiance have made their bond legal via a marriage license.

The cold-blooded psychopathic murderer and convict, Charles Manson wants to issue a marriage license for himself and his fiance. Afton Burton, who is ready to marry Charles Manson, is known by her nickname, Star.

She shifted to Corcoran from Illinois where Charles Manson had been in jail since the past two and a half decades or so. Afton talks to Manson daily on the telephone and even visits him on weekends. Up until now no final date has been set for the marriage.

There are still three months left before the marriage license gets revoked so Charles and Star have plenty of time to exercise their right to a matrimonial life. The wedding will occur on a day when Star is in contact with Manson.

The guest list will be limited to ten individuals from outside and there will be two guests allowed from inside the prison cells. An officiating figure of their choice will be granted as well. The press photographers and paparazzi will be kept away from the subdued ceremony.     

According to prison laws, no physicality can take place between Manson and Star. At most a hug is all that is allowed. And even after the marriage, no physical relationships will be allowed between the two so long as Manson remains in prison.

Meanwhile, Star maintains some of the websites that have Manson’s words and ideas on them. She also often engages in painting as a side hobby to release some extra stress. The basic objective that Star has before her is to convince the law that Manson was not guilty of the multiple murders he has been convicted of.

Currently, Manson is above 80 years of age. She contends that she is completely on Manson’s side and he is on hers as well. His innocence is something she feels in her very bones and sinews. Manson started a cult way back in the 60s.

He had a large female following and it was members of these group of women who at his instigation killed several members of the Tate family including actress Sharon Tate. The horrific murders were perpetrated so as to start a race war.

Manson has been denied parole several times. He will not even be allowed conjugal visits which are otherwise a part of Californian law. The man is too dangerous to take a chance with.

Sources: CNN , Reuters

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