Kim Dotcom is a Poor Man Now

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Internet Party founder Kim Dotcom said that he did not have anymore money due to the legal battle he fought recently.

Kim Dotcom, who started the site Megaupload is currently without a single cent in his pocket. According to a very corpulent Kim, he had spent in excess of $10 million on legal costs after he was slapped with piracy charges.

He was accosted in New Zealand about two years ago and had been embroiled in issues with the law ever since. Kim had hired a whole team to fight his case against his extradition from the US. But about two weeks ago, his lawyers called it a day leading to his state of being broke. He will now show his face at a bail hearing due soon.

Kim is charged with being a first rate racketeer, money launderer and is also guilty of copyright infringement. His lawyers supposedly gave up on defending him in court due to the fact that he had no more money to grease their palms with. According to Kim, the US agencies had bled him dry and left him a penniless beggar. They had desiccated him of any funds.   

The main thing Kim said was that the opposing forces had tried to bring his boat down. They had used every tool in their arsenal to make his position one of an inferior. The law agency responsible for representing him was not available for any response on the matter.

Kim had won back several assets including a few cars and $750,000 worth of money. But several of his bank accounts had been jammed by the governmental agencies. Kim had tried to finance a party in the New Zealand elections and the ploy had failed.

Kim Dotcom had been quite a popular figure before he started pay rolling the particular political party in the New Zealand elections. The prime minister of the nation had labelled Kim as a fascist and had started a smear campaign against him. He had said that Kim had started the Internet Party just to help him fight against his extradition.

The majority of the people in New Zealand had taken that claim by the prime minister at face value and now Kim was down in the dumps and a virtual outcast. Kim has called the propaganda against him as a Grand Inquisition of sorts. He agrees that his opponents were successful in their intentions and now he would have to face time behind bars for his actions.  

Source: BBC 

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