Caffeine Use Disorder Is A Real Disorder

Caffeine Use Disorder

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The DSM-5 has included Caffeine Use Disorder among its labyrinthine list of mental disorders. This occurs in the case of at least half the caffeine addicts on the planet. They face it as a very real addiction since they just cannot do without their daily dose of coffee, tea or soda.

Coffee /4/seem like a normal beverage of everyday life. It allows you to get through breakfast and the post-lunch slump in energy levels. But beware since this seemingly harmless drink can have serious side effects. 

Seriously, it can have some terrible consequences for those who have become hooked on the drug. Yes, you heard right!

Caffeine is actually a drug that is as potent as any narcotic on the scene. The only difference is that it is socially acceptable in most parts of the world. But it is very addictive and the headaches, fatigue and crabbiness that surface when you try to forswear it are not a pretty sight. 

The fact is that over half of those who consume caffeine in sufficient quantities cannot give it up so easily. They face the symptoms of malaise on a scale hitherto unheard of if they try to quit. 

Caffeine is definitely a psychoactive drug and it ultimately leads to psychological dependence. That is why care is better than cure. 

The caffeine content of many products in the market today is simply too much for comfort. Especially energy drinks contain vast quantities of the insomnia-inducing chemical. So much so that it can prove dangerous and give you a case of the jitters. 

However, fret not since three cups of coffee a day is not excessive and /4/even be normal. Just make sure you don’t exceed this daily quota.

Source: CalgaryHerald

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