UK government reveals its hacking guidelines

UK government reveals its hacking guidelines

These intrusions are apparently vital for the security of citizens

Hacking is no longer a far sighted idea, many in the world have now come to terms with its reality that it is indeed quite a practical phenomenon but till a few years back it was only considered something culprits would do. This no longer hold true as hacking has become an important security strategy in many companies. The British however seem to have a different take on this view and they are probably not just sold on this idea completely. If for instance they are inquired about the GCHQ’s ability to mess with communications, they would simply say that its operations are legal and totally necessary.

In a rather unusual move, the Brits have become slightly more honest as the UK Home Office has published the guidelines which are followed by law enforcement and spies while they are using “equipment interference” which is just a fancy name for hacking. This is done to get into phones and PCs. The set of rules considers some high-level issues such as proportional uses of hacks, data retention and the validity of warrants. However, this certainly is a rare and open acknowledgement that such intrusions do take place.

We believe the British have revealed more than any other country ever has in this regard by going so far as to mention that UK intercepts and bugs gadgets which it needs to spy on. Minister James Brokenshire says that by publishing such information, the government is trying to be open about their security policies.

The important note to this is that the publication comes as a defensive move and the Home Office noted that the publication “does not confer new powers” but it has tried to justify them. These practices are apparently essential when it comes to tracking terrorists and other major threats.


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