Harrison Ford returns to Denis Villeneuve’s Blade Runner Sequel

Harrison Ford returns in Denis Villeneuve's Blade Runner Sequel

Credit: Getty Images
  • Denis Villeneuve Will Direct The Upcoming Blade Runner Sequel With Harrison Ford Returning As Rick Deckard

The director who directed magnificent movies like Prisoners and Enemy will be directing the new Blade Runner sequel movie and Harrison Ford will be returning for the sequel to reprise his role as Rick Deckard.

People weren’t sure whether they would be another Blade Runner movie. Even Ridley Scott wasn’t sure that he was going to return and make his audience happy once again. But now Alcon Entertainment have confirmed that the brilliant director who is best known for his work in Prisoners, Enemy and Incendies will be returning to make the Blade Runner sequel.

And on top of that, fans would be delighted to hear that Harrison Ford will be returning for the sequel. He will be playing the role for Deckard. There is still very less information out there about the upcoming movie. One thing that we do know is that the new movie will show the characters in a time which is several decades after the events of the first movie.

We even heard rumors that the stories of the movies Blade Runner and Alien might be merged because once Scott said that the worlds of the both movies might be connected. We are hoping that the writers Hampton and Michael are going to make a movie which makes good sense and not the way Scott was hoping.

There are many things that are still to be announced about the movie. The new cast hasn’t been chosen up till now. The producers will try to find good actors for the upcoming movie as the movie will start its shooting in the summer of 2016.

Denis still has to finish two of his movie projects this September. He is still working on Emily Blunt and Sicario. There is still confusion about his one upcoming movie. It was reported that Denis would be making a movie, The Story Of Your Life which was going to feature Amy Adams.  

It is still unclear whether it will shoot this year or not. The film will start its principle photography in summer 2016. State Johnson and Kosove were honored that Harrison Ford was going to join their team. They think Harrison’s presence in the new movie will give them a big advantage. State Johnson and Kosove are also expecting another great movie by Denis as everyone saw his work in Prisoners. 


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