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Queen of Pop and cultural chameleon, Madonna dissed the designers Dolce and Gabbana for denigrating IVF and surrogacy as viable options for those who cannot conceive naturally.
After the designer duo Dolce and Gabbana made some controversial comments regarding IVF procedures and surrogate mothers, Madonna posted a black and white pic of their 2010 campaign which showed her lying down with a baby in her lap.
Madonna chided the two by saying that every baby that comes to earth has a soul and that you cannot dismiss IVF and surrogacy with such blatant aplomb. After all, God has a hand in everything even technology so you ought to show less arrogance in your speech, scolded an angry Madonna.
Finally she said that they ought to have thought well before they projected such a foul and negative message. Madonna has sided with Elton John who was just as insulted as her at the commentary coming from D & C.
He also posted a note on Instagram to the effect that he was outraged by their stance on same-sex families and that in boycott of the two he would not be wearing any Dolce and Gabbana designer wearables from now onwards.
Later on Dolce and Gabbana took to explaining their position in the media spotlight. Dolce clarified to CNN that he was in favor of everything that took place in the global village.
As for Gabbana, he also expatiated on the matter by saying that maybe he had used the wrong phraseology but he meant what he said and it was taken out of context and not supposed to come across as offensive to anyone.
One of them said that he adored homosexual individuals and couples and had no ill will in his heart against them. Also since one of them was a Sicilian, he explained that he respected his culture and that culture represented traditional families.
Thus he owed as much kudos to his own culture as the gay and lesbian culture found in much of the Western world especially America. Dolce and Gabbana furthermore spoke of how every person had a right to his own choice. That was what democracy was all about.
They were living in the year 2015 and not medieval times. The earlier comments that caused a storm in a teacup were to the effect that synthetic babies and wombs for rent are unnatural and reek of chemical labs.
Procreation should be an act of love and not something which is soulless. They do have a point there no matter which angle you look at it from. However, like one of them said: to each his own.
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