Tim Cook: Religious Freedom Laws are ‘Very Dangerous’ for America

Tim Cook says Religious Freedom Laws are ‘Very Dangerous’ for America

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In an open letter issued by Tim Cook, the CEO of apple apposes new state bills and laws being passed which will allow discrimination based on religious beliefs against other races and homosexuals.

Tim Cook the CEO of Apple just wrote an open letter in a Washington Post guest column to raise his voice against the numerous bills being passed in many states which will allow people to discriminate against other people based on their gender, race and sexual orientation.

In his statement Tim Cook calls the movement very dangerous as it would allow people to discriminate against their neighbors in two dozen states. 

Cook then specifically mentioned the two bills passed in Indiana and Arkansas that have already received a national outcry for allowing employees to refuse services to customers based on their religious beliefs. The bill in Arkansas even allows people to resist the state non-discrimination law. 

While these bills are indirect in their approach other bills as the one being considered in Texas are more direct in giving people the power to discriminate.  The bill in Texas proclaims clerk who issues marriage licenses to same sex couples will be subjected to salary and pension cuts. In short there are about 100 bills present which allows discrimination according to state laws. 

According to Cook the existence of such bills goes against the entire principle of America and will undo all the progress achieved through decades of struggle. Such practices are harmful to business where all the customers are considered equal and Apple always tried to do business fairly.

So on behalf of Apple Cook has written this letter to oppose the grave inequality taking place so others will join suit. Such bills will undeniably hurt the economy of the country as jobs and growth will be effected by discrimination in workplace.

Cook even explained his take on religion and cited he has great respect for freedom of religion but it should not be used as a platform to discriminate. Remembering his upbringing in the south in the 60’s and 70’s Cook stated it is not easy to oppose discrimination as it’s always present in some form or another. 

Lastly Tim Cook claimed Apple is open for everyone around the world, regardless of their gender, race, cast and religion. Apple will never tolerate discrimination.

Cook further went on to explain America cannot go back to the old times of open racism and must be a land of opportunity. For Tim Cook this isn’t a political but a religious issue and it is time for everyone to be courageous and oppose discrimination.


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