Kendall Jenner Twitter hacked: Racy Tweets deleted

Kendall Jenner Twitter hacked: Racy Tweets deleted

Credit: Getty Images

Hackers tweeted revolting messages on Kendall Jenner’s Twitter account!

The official twitter account of Kendall Jenner was hacked and the hackers tweeted three very racy messages through her account. The tweets were insulting and revolting to Kendall herself, along with her father and Justin Bieber. 

The first tweet was about Justin Bieber where the hackers made it look like Kendall Jenner was talking about having oral sex with him. The tweet also had the hashtag ‘KKK’ and took aim at the perception that Kendall and Bieber have been involved for some time.

The second tweets was directed at Kendall and her father and faked confirmed his gender transition and insulting the father daughter duo by implying they will be taking part in homosexual activities. Kendall’s father Bruce Jenner has been undergoing a sex change procedure which was joked of in the insulting tweet.

The third tweet compelled Kendall’s followers to follow the hackers themselves but other than directing people to their account the hackers insulted Kendall further. The hackers asked everyone to follow their account before Kendall goes Bulimic again, a dig at her extremely low weight. 

The accounts of the hackers on Twitter are called @TheClerk and @FuckCynical and both have been suspended since having hacked Kendall Jenner’s account. Before having attacked Kendall Jenner’s account eh hackers tweeted several tweets on their accounts which built up an anticipation of something big to come to their followers.

The hackers asked their followers if they were ready for this and they will be suspended from twitter for what they are about to do. In another tweet the hackers related how everyone thinks the Kardashians are divine but since the hackers are atheist it doesn’t matter to them.

Kendall Jenner’s team took action and deleted the tweets. However, HollywoodLife and Celebuzz already grabbed a screen shot os these racy tweets. See the screenshot below.

There is yet to be a comment issued by the young reality TV star turned model, Kendall Jenner. 


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