Tsarnaev Guilty of all 30 Counts

Tsarnaev Guilty of all 30 Counts

The “Boston Bomber” has been found guilty by a federal jury.

The man hunt that took place a few years ago for the man who was responsible for the Boston Marathon Bombing was just the start of the public’s contact with Dzhokhar Tsarnaev. However, as the public grew to know more and more about him through surveillance videos of him in grocery stores and in-depth investigations into his personal belongings from his apartment, the man grew more and more callous to the general public. That’s why it should come as no surprise that a Boston jury found him guilty of all 30 counts, which CNN details in this article.

The Tsarnaev who sat in the court room looked completely different from the man that the prosecution described. Still, it only took the jury about 11.5 hours to come down with the guilty verdict. Tsarnaev’s team tried to paint the picture of a boy who was dragged along by his older brother, a man who was brainwashed. The jury, however, didn’t see that person. The 21-year-old didn’t look at the jury as they read the verdict, and he had very little reaction.

The next phase of the trial will be the sentencing. Quite a few of those 30 counts are punishable by the death penalty, and that is what the expected outcome will be. Tsarnaev’s does have some hope to be spared of the death penalty with his attorney, Judy Clarke. She is one of the layers known for keeping Ted Kaczynski, aka the Unabomber, and Jared Loughner, the gunman who killed a judge and wounded former U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords off of death row. Jurors found that Tsarnaev was responsible for killing the three people who died from the marathon bombings — Krystle Campbell, Lingzi Lu and Martin Richard.

Some of the survivors of the bombing were at the reading today:

“Obviously we are grateful for the outcome today,” bombing survivor Karen Brassard told the press after court adjourned. “It’s not a happy occasion, but it’s something that we can put one more step behind us.”



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