Tori Spelling hospitalized after suffering Severe Burns from a Hibachi

Tori Spelling hospitalized after suffering Severe Burns from a Hibachi

Credit: Getty Images

The Beverly Hills 90210 actress, Tori Spelling was hospitalized after she suffered severe burns from a hibachi grill in a Japanese restaurant.

What was supposed to be a celebration and a good day out at a Japanese restaurant turned into a bad trip for Tori Spelling. She suffered a severe mishap that left her skin scalded. 

Tori was screaming out in excruciating pain. Tori, her husband and their kids not to mention a few guests were enjoying some food at a Japanese restaurant. Suddenly, she fell and landed on a hibachi grill which was very hot indeed. 

Tori Spelling suffered a big burn on the back of her right arm, according to DailyMail. It was a pretty bad wound and so she required immediate hospitalization. 

Happy #Easter from The McDermotts!

A photo posted by Tori Spelling (@torispelling) on

Her children looked very upset and she tried to be brave and not wince with pain in order not to get them worried. Meanwhile, her husband was very concerned about her. 

The whole family calmly ventured off to the Grossman Burn Center in California. What was required was removal of the burnt skin and a graft of fresh healthy skin on it so as to heal the whole messed-up arm region. 

All her friends, fans and family members want her to get back to her usual healthy status once again. Get well soon, Tori! 


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