Apple Watch needs a Web Browser

Apple Watch needs a Web Browser

Glimpse Apple Watch App

Apple did not create a Safari web browser for the Apple Watch. All information on the Internet has to go through an app to be available on the Apple Watch.

The Apple Watch has no web browser. Apple did not consider the screen big enough for a web browser or has security concerns, but we make the argument that a web browser could work and it would be very powerful. Webmaster could optimize their sites to work on an Apple Watch. A proof of concept are two Apple Watch apps that allow users to display regions of web sites on the Apple Watch.

Glimpse and WebWatch allow users to specify sections of web sites that they want to monitor. With a swipe on the Apple Watch a user can check the updated site. If Apple would bundle a web browser web sites could chose to optimize for the Apple Watch and display a minimalist site. News sites could just display one sentence stories like the New York Times App does. 

Having to implement an app is a barrier for web sites to deliver their information to Apple Watch. A browser would lower that barrier considerably.

Apple has from the start the largest install base of smartwatches. It is estimated that Apple sold about 2 million Apple Watches during the pre-order period. Today Apple is releasing its Q2 earnings and Tim Cook is possibly revealing some Apple Watch sales numbers.


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