Best Buy App Now accepts Apple Pay

Best Buy App Now accepts Apple Pay

Best Buy
  • Apple Pay is Coming to Best Buy Stores Later This Year

Best Buy app starts accepting payments with Apple Pay!

Best Buy has allowed its customers to use Apple pay to buy products from their retail shops. The Best Buy app sent an update today to all its users using the iOS which can allow them to ourchase good on the app and pay through Apple Pay. Users can use Apple pay to have merchandise delivered to their home or for in store pick-ups. 

According to Best Buy in a recent press release the customers of today have many different ways of spending their money and they wish to provide them every single opportunity. Customers will have as many options as possible to purchase and pay for goods from Best Buy.

Tim Cook also shared the news with his Apple investors a while ago. Later this year Best Buy will also allow Apple users of iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 plus to pay by NFC at Best Buy on the counters.   

The move to collaborate with Apple Pay is extremely surprising as Best buy is part of the MCX. MCX is the Merchant Customer Exchange along with other retailers such as Walmart, Sears, CVS, and Rite Aid, who all came together to form the CurrentC.

CurrentC was the mobile payment service formed by the MCX to rival the Apple Pay at popular retailers. However while Apple Pay has risen in the last year CurrentC has had trouble even launching. Soon Apple Pay will also be in collaboration with four major credit card companies of the world. 

Although Best Buy is still involved with CurrentC and MCX it probably wanted to broaden its horizon when it realised Apple Pay was on the rise. Other MCX retail partners such as Meijer have also collaborated with Apple Pay for payment of good even though the MCX members have an exclusive contract forbidding them from accepting multiple payment avenues. 


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