Bobbi Kristina Brown’s boyfriend Nick Gordon completes Rehab Stint

Bobbi Kristina Brown’s boyfriend Nick Gordon completes Rehab Stint

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Nick Gordon completes his stint in rehab following episode with Dr. Phil!

Nick Gordon is out of rehab and staying at his mother’s home. Gordon’s rep Josey Crews told E! News that he is focusing on staying sober and doing great after finishing rehab. Crews also shared Gordon is a completely different person now and his outlook has completely changed on life. Gordon has also expressed his wish to see Bobbi Kristina, even though Gordon disagrees with her father, meeting Bobbi Kristin is his priority. 

Nick Gordon entered rehab after for alcohol abuse following a televised special episode with Dr. Phil. In the interview Michele Gordon told Dr. Phil Nick just wants to die following Bobbi Kristina’s accident. A source previously shared Nick’s condition had gotten so worse it was life or death for him as he kept on drinking Jack Daniels.  

After going to rehab Nick Gordon has had a positive effect and even shared a prayer on Twitter on Monday asking for serenity and courage.  Public records show Gordon also cut a plea deal on March 30th involving a case of reckless speeding and driving in 2013. Gordon was fined $705 and given a suspended sentence of 11 months and 28 days upon payment. 

Meanwhile Bobbi Kristina seems to be breathing on her own but doctors revealed she has irreversible brain damage. Bobbi Brown’s lawyer announced Bobbi Kristina could live for years in her current condition without improvement.

Nick Gordon was reportedly banished from Bobbi Kristina’s side in the Emory University hospital after arguments with relatives broke out. The lawyer also shared Nick Gordon will be allowed if he meets certain conditions of Bobbi Brown such as provide what happened to Bobbi Kristina in writing.  Bobbi Brown has also appealed to the court to acquire conservatorship of Bobbi Kristina’s estate as a guardian. 


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