Royal Baby Born: Kate Middleton, Prince William welcome Daughter

Kate Middleton Gives Birth to Royal Baby Girl

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Kate Middleton, the Duchess of Cambridge, remains in labor for more than 5 hours and she gives birth to the next royal baby, a girl.

Kate Middleton has been rushed to the Lindo Wing of St Mary’s Hospital where she is about to enter the labor pains which results in the birth of a brand new royal baby. The Duchess of Cambridge gives birth to a healthy baby girl who weighs 8lbs 3oz. She is her son George’s younger sister.  

Several people sent online messages of congratulations to the Duchess wishing her well. Among these one was from the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, David Cameron. The Prime Minister has other things on his mind as well such as the upcoming elections where he wants the feel-good vibe to pay off in the form of extra votes.

Before: Prince Harry meanwhile is in Australia currently and he was also informed regarding the expected birth of his niece or nephew. As for Prince William, he is right there by Kate’s side at the hospital.  

Prince William’s second child will get to have the same birthday as David Beckham, the famous footballer. And Prince William is all palsy-walsy with Beckham. People went to the extent of donning Union Jack ties in expectation of the next Brit royal.

Already the bookies are all in a tangle as bets are placed on what the baby’s name will be. As for the question of boy or girl…it is best left to Mother Nature and all bets are off when it comes to gender. 

Among the names, the girl names figure prominently. They include in their purview: Alice, Charlotte, Elizabeth, Victoria, Diana, Alexandra, Catherine and Mary. As for the boy names, they include: James, Arthur, Henry, Phillip, William, Albert and Alexander. Meanwhile, it is pure coincidence that no pics of the Duchess were snapped by the cameras as she entered the hospital facility. 

But by now many many press members and paparazzi have gathered outside the hospital premises to hear the good news when it comes. S/he that comes into this world will live the Life of Riley alright. A lot of pampering and polished breeding will go into the makeup of his or her personality. 

This baby will be the fourth in the lineage that will inherit the throne. Due to recent legislation making the sex of the child irrelevant to inheritance, it will not make a difference whether s/he is a girl/boy. Kate will furthermore be handled with kid gloves by some very competent doctors so things are slated to go well. 


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