Amy Schumer’s One Direction parody ‘Girl You Don’t Need Makeup’ goes Viral

Amy Schumer's One Direction parody 'Girl You Don't Need Makeup' goes Viral

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Amy Schumer exposes the hypocrisy of the ‘No Makeup Trend’ and starts a bare-faced movement!

Amy Schumer shed the spotlight on the hypocritical beauty standards in the most hilarious way possible. On the latest episode of the Amy Schumer’s show on Comedy Central which aired on April 28th, Schumer parodied the hypocritical trend of men trying to assure women they don’t need make-up, and telling them they are beautiful regardless… However in reality when it comes to guys it’s not the truth! 

The episode consisted of a sketch shot as a music video called ‘Girl, You Don’t Need Makeup’ where Schumer is surrounded by a boy band with hairstyles resembling those of One Direction. The boy band sings around Amy Schumer in high pitched voices that she doesn’t need make up.

However when Schumer finally takes their advice and washes her face the boys appear to be horrified and beg her to put it back on. The video was a parody of the 1D song ‘What Makes You Beautiful’ in which Schumer makes fun of guys who say they want a girl who doesn’t wear make-up unless the girls doesn’t actually look pretty without the make-up. 

The song hits the heart when it comes to the real truth about bare faced beauty. However for the record the point of the video was to tell girls they don’t need to wear make-up and shouldn’t do anything they don’t want just because guys like it that way. 

Before the episode aired Amy Schumer posted a picture of herself without make up with a friend on Twitter and asked other girls to do the same. After the episode aired hundreds of responses starting coming in from around the world, girls showing their real faces without make up. The trend with the hashtag #GirlYouDontNeedMakeup started by Schumer went viral. 

Watch below Amy Schumer’s One Direction’s ‘What Makes You Beautiful’ parody video ‘Girl You Don’t Need Makeup’.


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