Andrew Lack returns to NBC News in Troubled Times

Andrew Lack returns to NBC in Troubled Times

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The famed former executive of NBC News Andrew Lack will return to the network to restore its lost glory amidst scandals.

It is official. NBC’s best known former executive Andrew Lack will be returning to the network to help restore its glory. Lark is expected to bring NBC out of its dark cloud in the TV news arena. Andrew lark was previously the president and the Chief operating officer of NBC and remained with the network from 1993 till 2003. 

Lark will officially assume duties in April and oversee the departments of NBC News and MSNBC, both of whom are struggling to maintain their ratings. The NBC News and MSNBC president Phil Griffin will report to Lack.

CNBC will remain under the supervision of Mark Hoffman the president of NBC, but he will also report to Steve Burke the CEO. Andrew Lack will be replacing Pat Fili-Krushel, a one-time executive of Walt Disney and Time Warner, who will transfer to the executive team of CEO Steve Burke. 

In February NBC network underwent a scandal when the ‘Nightly News’ anchor-man Brian Williams was found to have falsified his 2003 Iraq War coverage, resulting in a 6 months suspension.

In such a crucial time for NBC the return of Lack is a testament to the challenges Lack will face to restore the network’s credibility. MSNBC mainly has lost a significant portion of its audience in the wake of the Brian Williams debacle and Lack will have to bring new momentum to the channel. 

Other than the recent notoriety NBC had already been facing fierce competition and some shows had lost their touch. The show ‘Today’ and ‘Meet the Press’ had fallen in ratings recently. The executives were not satisfied with the way the program had been broadcasting. 

During Lack’s reign the shows ‘Today’, ‘Meet the Press’ and ‘Nightly News’ had all been at the number one place in the TV universe. Lack has experience in NBC dealings since when he first joined NBC in 1993 the network was going through another scandal when GM had sued NBC for defamation and Lack’s supervision had taken the network out of murky waters. 

In 20013 after leaving NBC Lack joined Sony Music Entertainment and spent the next six years on the Bloom berg division. Recently Lack started his Chief executive position on the Broadcasting board of Governors. Lack also has ties to some of the best known NBC journalists such as Katie Couric. 

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