Apple Watch might house 100k apps upon launch

Apple Watch might house 100k apps upon launch

The number comes from the prediction of Analyst Trip Chowdhry from Global Equities Research

One thing the smartwatches needed now was to pick up the pace and get to the point where they all didn’t appear dull and the ‘same old thing’. Looks like Apple has done precisely that with its upcoming smartwatch which we have been hearing a lot about these days since it is getting closer to its release date. Some people /4/be arguing about the usefulness of these devices but from what we are looking at, these devices are going to stay for quite some time now.

The most recent statement pertaining to the Apple Watch says that the device is going to start shipping from April so we know that the wait is almost over. There now remains a huge window which has to be filled in by the guesses and some analysts have been making pretty amazing predictions at this one. One that has excited us the most has come from Analyst Trip Chowdhry from Global Equities Research who says that upon launch the Apple Watch is going to have as many as 100,000 apps. This even sounds too good to be true but let’s just gulp it down since it’s only a prediction, no matter how overestimated it sounds.

The overrated predictions don’t just end at the number of apps. The claim has gotten far enough to state that Apple is going to ship no less than 42 million units of this device by the end of this year. This particular estimation doesn’t seem to have some really very reliable sources behind it.

According to the Trip estimates, average iPhone user has about 65 applications on their phone and according to this, the $350 price tag seems more than adequate. Mr. Chowdhry has also predicted that everyone would want to get their hands really soon on the device which we don’t think is exactly the case. He has described Apple’s new progress on the watch as ‘killer apps’ and claims them all to be equally beneficial.

Source: barrons


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