Brian Williams /4/Return to NBC But Not as News Anchor

Brian Williams /4/Return to NBC But Not as News Anchor

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  • Brian Williams /4/Shift Roles from being an Anchor on NBC

Brian Williams /4/shift roles from being an anchor on NBC Nightly News. The television network probably has another slot open for him.

While it has been a month or two since talks began in earnest between Brian Williams and the NBC execs who had hired him previously as an anchor, no conclusive end result has been achieved so far.

There are those who say that he /4/be reshuffled into the working schemata of the giant organization. Others beg to differ and explain that he will leave the platform after receiving a size-able amount of money. 

News has reached CNN Money that Andy Lack, the chairman of NBC News, has decided to let Brian remain on board. But it will be in an entirely different role. That means that his days as an anchor are definitely over.

In fact, all the staff of NBC are putting their heads together and trying to figure out a way to accommodate Brian. This of course seems as futile a step as ingratiating Ann Curry on the Today Show about three years ago did. That too had dismal consequences. 

However, Brian is a more valuable and lucrative asset than Curry. He has the potential to make or break the media agency. However, his presence in the current capacity as anchor is exasperating as well.

So, it is a case of damned if I do and damned if I don’t. Maybe time is a wonderful magician and great healer. Time after all is what is needed to erase the memories of the big fibs that Brian told and that landed him in trouble. Too much exaggeration of incidents undergone /4/prove damaging after all.

Maybe Brian should leave while he can. He was being paid $10 million per annum as his contract stated. His six month suspension in February for mugging up an account of his role in news reporting caused quite a scandal. Now, his future hangs in the balance.  

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