Bruce Jenner declares that Finally s/he is a Woman

Bruce Jenner declares that Finally s/he is a Woman

ABC Video

He was once a top notch athlete and Olympian. But today Bruce Jenner has declared that finally s/he is a woman.

Bruce Jenner was a man’s man in his time. Not only was he a sports professional but he also headed the most talked about reality TV show which was titled KUWTK. Yet today he is a different (wo)man. Yes, you heard right. 

The Alpha Male has declared that he not only felt like a female all his life but that finally he is one thanks to the sex change operation. This deep, dark secret that he had been keeping in the closet all his life is something he can hide no longer. 

So he came out with it and is now at peace with his conscience. Bruce confessed that people /4/have seen him as a bit machismo but actually he craved to be a woman all his life. And now finally he had gotten his wish. 

Bruce has come to terms with the female side of his personality. And that absorption of the shadow aspect of his personality has made all the difference in the world. Now he has achieved at-one-ment of the self. 

Bruce explained the relevant facts to Diane Sawyer in an exclusive interview for ABC News’ “20/20.” He said that his feminine side was something he had struggled with since he was a little boy. It had bothered him and had been a thorn in his side that had refused to be dislodged despite all efforts to the contrary.

Finally, he was forced to accept that it was a fundamental part and parcel of who he was. Bruce mostly used the masculine singular to describe himself throughout the interview, but sometimes he did muster enough courage to say the word “her” when referring to himself.

Bruce acknowledged that he had lived a fake life as a male and now he could no longer do that anymore. He has yet to reveal his female name though. Bruce mentioned that it all started when he used to cross-dress as a child.

This survived till his adult years and when his family came to know about it, most of them literally started crying. What Bruce is facing is a transgender identity crisis. He has the body of a male but feels like a female inside. His first and second wives have come out in support of his decision since they came to know about it.

And Bruce Jenner wants to use KUWTK as a launch pad for his message of accepting the real gender that you are inside instead of suffering in silence. According to Bruce, he is still attracted to women and is a religious man inside.

He also spoke of how he was once almost driven to suicide by his inner turmoil. But he decided to tough it out and see where life leads him.

And his ex-wife Kris has called him her hero despite their initial differences. Bruce has achieved resolution at such a late age yet as they say better late than never.


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