Caitlyn Jenner can Keep Her Gold Medals says IOC

Caitlyn Jenner can Keep Her Gold Medals says IOC

Vanity Fair

  • IOC Responds to Petition Seeking to Revoke Caitlyn Jenner’s Gold Medal

Caitlyn Jenner gets to keep the gold medal that she won as Bruce in 1976 Olympics, or so says the IOC. Bruce Jenner who is Miss Caitlyn Jenner was considered the best athlete of her time. She won a gold medal with a world record of 8,618 points in the men’s decathlon.

According to the International Olympic Committee’s decision she can keep her Summer Olympics gold medal from 1976. Miss Jenner has been at the center of the news for the past week after her gender transition. A major complication arose when a petition to revoke the Olympic winner’s gold medal was posted.

The petition asked for 15,000 signatures but already had over 11,300 signatures as of Thursday afternoon.  People were arguing and debating that she violated the committee rules and the medal should be revoked as according to her, she has always identified herself as a woman.

The petition also urged Miss Jenner to support the transgender community by giving up the medals earned by competing against the wrong gender.

The committee took the matter under consideration and the Communications Director of the IOC, Mark Adams released a brief statement on Jenner’s gold medal issue to Yahoo News.

According to the committee Bruce won his gold medal as a man in 1975 and there is no issue for the IOC for his transition into a female now. The director also added that they have come across other transgender athletes in different competitions before which never led to any revocation of a prize won on merit.

In 2003, the IOC issued a statement that they welcomed transgender athletes to compete in the Olympic Games if they met the criteria mentioned by the regulatory committee. The rules say that the competitor must undergo the appropriate hormonal therapy for at least two years in order to eliminate the gender-related advantages during the competition.

The competitor must have completed surgical anatomical surgeries, including genitalia surgery. The competitor must have their assigned sex legally recognized by official authorities.

People also made various sarcastic comments on social media about the issue by congratulating Caitlyn for being the first woman in history to win a gold medal in the men’s decathlon event.

Patti Stanger who is a prominent American businesswoman and television personality said that she was disgusted to hear the news about people signing a petition to retract Caitlyn’s Olympic medal.

She called this act so wrong on so many levels and showed sympathy for Ms. Jenner. A girl also shared her feelings on twitter about the latest controversy and said that she cannot believe that people can be so mean. She urged others to stop the act by saying that she wants to move to another planet.

After the IOC’s approval on keeping the medal with herself she will be the first woman to receive an Olympics gold medal as a man. Ms. Jenner should be on the top of the world right now after hearing about the news to retain her medal despite her sexual transition.

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