Charlie Sheen defends Brian Williams in an Angry Rant

Charlie Sheen defends Brian Williams in an Angry Rant

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Bad boy, Charlie Sheen defended Brian Williams in an angry rant recently. Brian Williams had been sacked temporarily from NBC for his fake personal account of the war in Iraq.

Brian Williams supposedly told a false story regarding his presence in a helicopter which was hit by a missile in war-torn Iraq. The event took place several years ago,  and Brian’s memory failed him so he mixed up some of the facts.

Later on when push came to shove, he blurted out the truth in front of all audiences that he had lied although inadvertently regarding the war situation. He had actually been in a plane behind the helicopter.

This led to a lot of uproar and Brian was suspended from NBC for a period of half a year without any pay. He will be facing a tough time ahead. But guess who should turn up online to offer a rant in favor of Brian?

Why, none other than that bad boy of movies and television, Charlie Sheen. Charlie let loose a volley of oaths and hyper-speech in defense of Brian Williams. He said that Brian was the target of a conspiracy and a vile witch hunt by all the powers that wanted the status quo to remain intact. 

Charlie has faced issues with alcohol, drugs and obnoxious behavior in the past. This has even got him in trouble with the law. He is known to speak first and think later. He gave ample proof of this when he said that he saluted people like Brian who were the best, most truthful of journalists around for miles.

Charlie furthermore spouted the fact that till his last days on earth, Brian will remain the best in his library of good books. The way Brian was canonized by Charlie, it almost seemed that Charlie owed Brian something in return for which he was extending this favor of sticking up for the disgraced anchor person.

Charlie said that it was cowardly execs of NBC and other miscreants that had ganged up on poor Brian and made a mockery of him. Charlie as everybody knows was kicked off the set of Two and a Half Men for his rabid deeds.

The man is trouble and a walking time bomb as far as anger and angst are concerned. Charlie Sheen’s defense of Brian has all the credibility of a black cat in a dark room that doesn’t exist in the first place. 

Read below Charlie Sheen’s complete open letter in which he defends Brian Williams.

Dear Mr. Williams,

Sorry to bother you during this most surreal, unjust

and mercurial moment in

your awesome life.

First off,


for 24 years of inimitable 

professionalism and top

shelf brilliance,

as a stone cold 

passion driven and 

(PERFECTLY) fact based journalist.


Thank you “squared”

for delivering not only the news on a nightly basis,


to myself and my family.

But for every other person alive,

(with a TV)

who relied 

and still do,

on your poetic, insightful 

and NOBLE sacrifices,

that made our longest nights


and our shortest nights


You good sir, 

are a hero in my

“Entire Library”


you are clearly the victim of 

a transparent and vile

witch hunt!


“staged” by hooligans,

non coms, cowards and


who’s only 

desperate and

hideous goal is to discredit

the genius that they relied 

on for almost 3 decades!

Now and forever you

are a true Patriot and a Hero

of mine 

until the day i leave this 

star crossed imperfect

Rock we call Earth…

Mr W:



hi 5’s

and refuge!

(if you need it!)

I remain humbly

and on 

dangerous standby

at your service….

I am;

the MaSheen….


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