Danica Patrick, Kevin Harvick look forward to having friend Tony Stewart back

Danica Patrick, Kevin Harvick look forward to having friend Tony Stewart back

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Stewart, who has missed the last three races following the accident, is scheduled to make his first public appearance at Atlanta Friday.

Danica Patrick and Kevin Harvick are going to be more than happy o have their friend and boss back at the racetrack this weekend and it is not all because of the impact it is going to have on their performance as Harvick said on Friday at Atlanta Motor Speedway, “I’m excited to have my friend back. I don’t really care about the racing side of it. I’m just happy to have my friend back and be able to talk to him and hug him and support him. That’s the part I’m looking forward to the most.”

Stewart has returned back on the track on Friday after he suffered in the spring car accident which took place on August 9th and left the 20 year old driver Kevin Ward Jr. dead. Stewart’s sprint car struck Ward after he walked onto the track following a wreck at Canadaigua (N.Y.) Motorsports park. It had been a long time since both Patrick and Harvick had talked to Stewart. They hadn’t been in touch since the drove around the breast cancer survivors as part of a Chevrolet initiative. Stewart has missed on the last three races which took place after the accident and now his first public appearance is going to be at Atlanta Friday.

source: sportingnews

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