David Letterman plays No Role in Stephen Colbert’s ‘Late Show’ Hire

David Letterman plays No Role in Stephen Colbert's 'Late Show' Hire

Credit: Getty Images
  • David Letterman is a little disappointed about not being consulted about his successor

David Letterman confessed that he had no say in the selection of Stephen Colbert as his successor but he isn’t taking it to his heart.

33 years of a career ends at a grand stead as fans, CBS network and David himself, all are preparing themselves to say goodbye. There is a great line up for the last succession of episodes for the Latenight Show that will feature great number of celebrities appearing on the show to say goodbye to the revolutionist of the late night television. 

Experts are considering it to be a great loss for television once David leaves and there is a great void that the network has to fill. Stephen Colbert has been announced to fill that position once David leaves. Stephen expressed himself excited and glad for the opportunity. 

Meanwhile David has expressed some degree of disappointment about Stephen’s selection as his successor. He said that Stephen was a great friend of his and he was glad that he had been selected to fill his shoes.

He did express a little reservation that he had not been asked about the selection of Stephen. He said that he will not be concerned with the network once he does his last show and he isn’t really obsessed with how the show goes on. 

What he really would have liked an opinion on was how the show could have been the breaking ground for something newer and better. By asking him, David could have suggested to select to feature an African American host because there is a lot of talent there or select a female host and start a new trend. 

He said in an interview with The New York Times that since they didn’t ask him, they never got to tackle his mind about the direction he could see the show going in and that it was the network’s loss rather than his. He will be spending his time with his family and figure out what he wants to do next.

The show will however have to struggle about the ratings and transition with Stephen Colbert as they will try to retain his style. Something newer would have attracted audience on its own.


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