EU Commission probing Apple’s Music Streaming Plans

EU Commission probing Apple's Music Streaming Plans

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The EU Competition Commission is currently delving into Apple’s Music Streaming Plans. The probe is on!

A special branch of the EU has nosedived into the complex web of influences that is the music streaming service on Apple. This is to ensure that no hanky panky goes on under the guise of respectability.

And while no ultimate reason behind the probe could be gathered from the tons of reporting by media hounds, it appears to be the case that a few of the loopholes in the system need to be ironed out and that too fast. The streaming services were said to charge ten bucks per monthly basis and /4/be curtailing some music labels and artists’ rights. 

A series of quizzes have been handed in to these streaming services headquarters, according to NYPost. Apple’s Beats Music will have its debut in Summer soon. The details about the designs are what the EU wants to know badly.

Issues having to do with anti-trust and monopoly have arisen like they did with Microsoft once upon a time. But, like Bill Gates ironed out the creases, so Tim Cook is looking forward to cooperate and get the EU off his neck. 

The wheelings and dealings not to mention the unfair advantages that some business partners acquire via kickbacks is what the whole game is all about. It is sheer economics which it boils down to.

Big American Business concerns in Europe will be seen as a sort of McDonaldization and that too of a rapacious nature. Apple, Spotify and Pandora have some answering to do before things settle down. Even YouTube is a big music platform and has its own laws and by-laws.

Apple’s premium rates and freemiums have landed it in strange territory. The very thought of untangling the mess of rates and set prices is mind boggling. For now the EU probe will have to measure its steps very carefully lest it stumble on the boulders of small pesky laws that hinder full justice on a societal scale.


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