Florida Officials banned terms “Climate Change” or “Global Warming”

Florida Officials bans using terms “Climate Change” or “Global Warming”

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Stubborn officials of Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) are behaving like ostriches with their heads in the sand. They have tried to put an end to the term “climate change” or “global warming” in Florida.

Florida bears the brunt of climate change and global warming. The transformations in the atmosphere and weather conditions have made life a hell for its inhabitants. Every year a time comes when floods and storms invade the otherwise peaceful state.

The seashore is expected to have the lapping waves go up by 30% within the next century or so thus leading to fears in the minds of the denizens. However, it is a strange anomaly of fate that officials at the DEP have not let any of the clear warning signs of environmental degradation let them be perturbed in any way. They have been acting as if it all was just a load of hippie tree-hugging nuisance.

So much so that any correspondence or notices that are sent to the public by the agency do not bear the words climate change or global warming as part of their policy. Imagine the sheer stupidity and callousness of this act of utter irresponsibility and nonseriousness. The DEP department in Florida hires about 3200 employees and it has a $1.4 billion annual budget. Yet this looking the other way has gone too far. 

According to a report by the Florida Center for Investigative Reporting, even the simple and benign word “sustainability” has been struck off the list of this Inquisition of sorts. All signs of sanity seem to have left these people. The implicit message to the underlings was to ignore the devastation and degradation of the planet in the name of progress. And the clear signal was that anything which would disturb the status quo would not be tolerated by the heads of the department.

It seems that progressive changes will keep on coming until one fine day people will not be able to breathe the smog-filled air and furthermore the storms, torrential rains and floods will arrive in scads thus leading to mutual destruction for man and beast alike. This idiotic policy went into effect after Governor Rick Scott took over office. The man wants to implement a policy of no policy as far an environmentalism is concerned.

The fact that something is happening right before the very eyes of the people and the governing bodies and they are doing nothing about it is indeed cause for shame. This state of denial is an extreme example of reaction formation. Already the effects of global warming and man’s interference in Nature’s grand plan have wreaked havoc with deserts taking the place of greenery.

Euphemisms are being used to cover the issues at hand and it is indeed a semantic jungle out there. One of the employees who decided not to go with company policy was fired. Some degree of planning for our future generations is necessary. If this is the world we want to leave behind for our progeny then we don’t deserve to be called their wise ancestors.   


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