Great Britian hit by Earthquake


Breaking News: An earthquake of 4.2 magnitude hit the Kent Coast this morning in the United Kingdom.

Great Britain woke up in the early morning hours to an earthquake of magnitude 4.2 today hitting the coast of Kent. The earthquake has been felt throughout Kent with the epicenter near Ramsgate. It is the biggest earthquake since 2007. 

According to Kent Online there have been no injuries and no damages reported.

The earthquake of the 22 /4/2015 occurred at 02:52 BST0 (01:52 UTC), with an epicenter approximately 7 km south of Ramsgate, Kent according to the British Geological Survey. Interestingly today’s earthquake epicenter is only 24 km northeast of the magnitude 4.3 Folkestone earthquake that occurred on 28 April 2007.

The Kent earthquake was strong enough to awake people as the earth was trembling, but no damages have been reported. Twitter is already filling up with Tweets making fun of the Kent earthquake.

British humor is unsurpassed.

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