Hillary Clinton On Announcement Watch

Hillary Clinton On Announcement Watch

As of today, Hillary Clinton’s entire team is on “announcement watch” for her official bid in the 2016 Presidential Race.

The entire team that has been forming around Hillary Clinton and her (unsurprising) Presidential run has been told to be on “high alert” for her official announcement, according to CNN. This is after many Democrats have been waiting on her word, essentially, because an announcement has been expected since President Obama won reelection in 2012. 

The delay has come with the current pool of Democratic candidates: Hillary is essentially running against herself. She is going to handle it very differently than how she handled her last effort in 2008, where she lost out on the Democratic bid to President Obama.

CNN explains her current strategy as: “No big crowds. Few soaring rallies. Less mention of her own ambitions. And extinguish the air of inevitability propelling her candidacy.”

The announcement itself is likely only a few days away, maybe even hours, as her entire team has converged and the top Democratic activists in Iowa and New Hampshire have been put on high alert not only of her announcement, but of the fact that she /4/soon visit.

Many are assuming that Clinton’s announcement will not take place at some rally, but will instead reach out over social media. This is all part of her campaign and part of what helped President Obama reach the White House: communicating regularly with voters on social media. This approach allows people to think they are being heard, even if their Tweets and comments are only going to an aide. 

“The early caucus and primary states give her an opportunity to visit with folks in small, more intimate settings, where they will learn a lot about her and she will learn a lot from them,” Tom Vilsack, the agriculture secretary and former Iowa governor, who served as a national chairman of her 2008 campaign, told CNN.

The goal will be to downsize some of the talk about the “historic” nature surrounding the idea that she could win – which /4/not go over well with some of her core supporters. The campaign will have to toe the line when it comes to downsizing and talking. It is reported that she will try to remove the word “I” from her campaign speeches and instead focus on “we” and “us.”  It will also include a lesser role for former President Bill Clinton.

The announcement, though it can happen at any minute, is expected to take place at the end of this week or the start of next week. In any case, it is sure to happen within the next two weeks.


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