Hugh Jackman inspires Fans to avoid BCC by putting on Sunscreen

Hugh Jackman inspires Fans to avoid BCC by putting on Sunscreen

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  • Hugh Jackman got a third surgery in twelve months to have a cancerous lesion removed from his nose.
  • After undergoing the procedures, he just has one thing to tell his fans, ‘Use Sunscreen’.


Hugh has not let the cancer slow him down cause he has got a great year ahead in movies.

Last year Hugh’s wife Deborra-Lee Furness dragged him to have a growth on his nose checked and for good reasons. It turned out that what Hugh thought was just a normal mole was in fact a cancerous lesion. Basal cell carcinoma (BCC) is a very commonly occurring cancer. 

According to experts, 2 thousand cases for the disease come in every day. The good news is that the cancer is not lethal and death is possible only in extreme cases. Hugh got his first surgery in November 2013 to have the growth removed from his face but it grew back. 

Dermatologists say it is very much possible for the cancer to grow back in the same area. He got another surgery in /4/to have it removed again. Sure if it’s on your back, you don’t need to really care cause it’s really not gonna show. If it’s on your nose and you’re an actor, you could imagine how that could be a problem. 

As an actor, when your face is the icon for millions in the world and in Hugh’s case, maybe a billion. How many times could you really handle a growth on your face? How many times could you handle a surgery? How many surgeries would it take to finally show the scars? Your skin starts taking the toll of it all. Hugh might be off to some distant place and the lesion grows too much?

There are all kinds of possibilities that make the devoted fans worry for him. It must be so hard to think about what he and his family feel like. This is Hugh Jackman we are talking about people. Even with three surgeries, the one being most recent, Hugh snapped a picture of himself doing a DeNiro impression and captioned it “Are you talking to me?,” the famous DeNiro line from Taxi. 

“You talkin’ to me?” Robert DeNiro

A photo posted by Hugh Jackman (@thehughjackman) on

He’s asking us whether he looks worried after the surgeries. No he does not. He looks perfect as ever and his agent reported that he’s “doing ok.” Hugh confessed that as an Aussie kid, he was never really bothered about skin care. He never thought of putting sunscreen on. That’s where it got him. 


A photo posted by Hugh Jackman (@thehughjackman) on

Hugh has been told that he could control the disease and Hugh is confident that he can. He just needs to have regular check-ups and put a lot of sunscreen. As the ever concerned member of the community, Hugh is telling everyone that they also need to put on some sunscreen and prevent their skins from ever being affected.

So he’s spreading the word and keeping care of it himself. He said that he’s usually very lazy but this is not the matter to be lazy about. Like Deborra is going to let him sit with a growth on his face.

Sources: DailyMail , Today

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