John McCain believes Rand Paul isn’t a Suitable Candidate For Presidency

John McCain believes Rand Paul isn’t a Suitable Candidate For Presidency

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John isn’t playing games and this time around he calls Rand Paul the worst GOP candidate running for president.

There are 20 Republicans and John McCain has got his eye fixed on one of his rivals. McCain said that Rand Paul was at the bottom of the roster as he told people his foreign policy stances.

McCain said that in 2007 Rand Paul said that Iran wasn’t a threat to the US. He believed that it was ridiculous to label them a threat to the national security. And then again Rand Paul publicly defended ISIS and said that they weren’t a threat to the United States.

John McCain also said that Rand Paul opposed aid to Israel. John McCain believes Rand Paul isn’t a suitable candidate because he doesn’t understands the needs of the nation. He believes he doesn’t have the skills to deal with the foreign affairs.

McCain fully believes that if the reigns of the nation are given to him, then America will lose a lot of its top friends and will come under attack. McCain said that he had no doubt that Paul ranked last amongst the 20 or so of his contenders.

Lindsey Graham and John McCain were called lapdogs. Both Lindsey and John are friends in the senate and both of them tag teamed to take down Rand Paul. The 2016 GOP president contender called Lindsey and John McCain as lapdogs for President Barack Obama’s policies abroad.

Lindsey Graham took on Rand Paul and said that he would have the worst chance of anybody to make a case against Obama’s foreign policy. Lindsey Graham went on to criticize Rand Paul and said that at the end of the day his record in his view shows a foreign policy vision which is one step behind leading from behind.

Graham said that if Rand Paul is a nominee then he will support him. But then again if he’s the nominee of the party then they all risk giving up the central issue of the 2016 campaign that is the foreign policy.

Sources: Politico, Daily News


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