Justin Bieber wreaks Havoc at High School Prom

Justin Bieber wreaks Havoc at High School Prom

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Justin Bieber wreaked havoc as he entered a high school prom recently. The crowd just went barmy when they saw him appear in all his celeb-worthy self before them.

That Bad Boy of Pop, Justin Bieber, created a whole lot of misery at a high school prom which he gatecrashed. He made the alumni of Chatsworth Charter High School go bonkers when he showed his face at their prom.

It was quite an occasion and the sudden appearance of the destination of many Beliebers was enough to cause wild pandemonium among the onlookers. And guess what, Justin Bieber never attended his own high school prom.

But he made the prom of the hormone-addled boys and girls of this educational institution a worthwhile event alright by his mere presence. Bieber took tp the dance floor like a professional to the accompanying screams of teenage girls and savage shouts of adolescent boys

The video clips made of the happening shows the sky high shrieks of excitement and ecstasy as Bieber enters the fray. Bieber was followed hurriedly by several females who ended up on the ground. He even danced with one of them who was indeed lucky.

Many of the pupils of the high school entered cyberspace to personally thank Justin for showing up at their prom. One of them even apologized to him for the stampede that took place upon his surprise visit.

Justin sure knows how to shake things up in an unpredictable manner! The venue was Southern California and Justin and his less well known pals had tons of fun. The boy is a cinch at partying. In fact, he is a real party animal. Supposedly, he was on his way to a studio when he decided to make a detour for the high school.  


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