Kate Upton shares her diet secrets

Kate Upton shares her diet secrets

Photo Credit: Getty Images

The supermodel likes to eat healthy but allows herself a cheat day as well.

Kate Upton is famous for her well-toned body and curvy physique, which is something ideally every woman wants to have. But what it takes her to stay healthy and to keep herself in a top-notch shape? It has been finally revealed by this 22-year old top model herself.

In her latest interview with London Evening Standard, Kate shares her diet and fitness secrets and explains how she maintains her supermodel figure.

Her typical “good day” starts off with “a breakfast of scrambled eggs (one white, one whole) with spinach and green tea at 7am; a snack of 10 raw almonds and a green juice at 10am; a lunch of quinoa with herb-crusted grilled chicken and grilled vegetables; a protein bar a 4 p.m. and a dinner at 7 p.m. – usually sashimi or a kale salad with grilled salmons and cashews.”

This is a quite strict diet plan to follow regularly but Kate allows herself an occasional cheat day as well and likes to eat fried salty food rather than sweet. Before a big shoot or film scene she never forgets to undertake a 48-hour juice cleanse which is an obvious for her to look fit and smart again.

Kate wants to present herself in a way which makes everyone feel that her body is not just due to good genetics but a result of healthy diet and disciplined exercise. “For me it is about being strong, having the strength to work ten-hour days and eating healthily.”

In an industry which is often criticized for promoting super slim, size-zero bodies and where it is believed that models should not eat, Kate is certainly setting a good example. “I am happy to be seen as a good example,” she said. “If I can help girls who are going through body-image issues, I think that’s amazing.”


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