The Last Week Tonight with John Oliver becomes a fixture on Monday morning. The main story of the show are the most depressing comedy on TV right now. Watch this weeks episode about Nuclear Weapons in America.
HBO landed a huge hit with hiring John Oliver away from the Comedy Central’s Daily Show. Last Week Tonight with John Oliver has become must see TV. If you do not have HBO or live outside of America, HBO is kind enough to share the main story segment and select other segments of the show on Youtube. The main story of Sunday’s episode looked at how America is taking care of the 4,800 nuclear weapons. It is so depressing and scary. It is a miracle that nothing blew up yet.
John Oliver’s delivery, the writing and the research in the Last Week Tonight with John Oliver show are terrific. Every episode I saw so far was hilarious and depressing at the same time. Last week John Oliver talked about prisons in America and the show earlier took a look at the wealth gap. Each one of these topics is depressing, but John Oliver makes you laugh about while learning the facts.
Why Last Week Tonight is rapidly taking over from The Daily Show as the best topic comedy on TV.
— Stepto 43 weeks 23 hours ago.
Watch the newest episode about Nuclear weapons below.
On a lighter note, watch the segment about Russia who sent some geckos into space to have sex. And then they lost contact with them. John Oliver calls to action to save those geckos.
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