Lollipop Now Running on 12.4% of All Android Devices

 Lollipop Now Running on 12.4% of All Android Devices


Lollipop is now running on 12.4% of android phones while KitKat is still on top with 39.2%

A few days back Google announced its upcoming Android OS called as Android M which will be released later this year while the developers version is out for grabs. Currently, the latest available Android OS is the 5.0 Lollipop, which now runs on 12.4 percent of the active Android devices says Google. The data were collected from the Google Play Store App, which is not compatible with older devices and thus the devices don’t have it or don’t log into it are no longer added to these stats.

According to the stats issued by Google, the Android version 2.2 also known as Froyo runs only on about 0.3% of the devices. Android Gingerbread or version 2.3 runs on only 5.6%, while Android OS 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich runs on 5.1% devices. These three are perhaps the most outdated versions of the OS while the rest of the remaining three versions of the OS shares the majority of the percentage. The Android 4.1 Jelly Bean is in the second position with the 37.4%, which experienced a drop from the stats released two months ago where it was standing at 39.2%.

This small bump is a good indication that more people are moving towards latest OS. The first position is held by Android KitKat 4.4 which holds about 39.2% of the share which is pretty good. Google releases these stats every month so that they keep track of the progress of the updates reaching out to people. Well, for now the stats show impressive boost in the people updating to Lollipop and we will see the numbers grow in a few months time.

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