Mark Ruffalo asks Marvel for more Black Widow films

Mark Ruffalo asks Marvel for more Black Widow films

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Mark Ruffalo calls out Marvel for lack of Black Widow merchandise for little girls!

Mark Ruffalo is taking a stand for all the little girls out there who are Avengers fans. Recently it came into Ruffalo’s notice the merchandise from Avengers does not include toys and t-shirt of the Back Widow. The Black Widow is currently the only female superhero in the Avengers team and millions of little girls around the world who are Avengers fans are deprived from playing with toys of the female superhero. 

Ruffalo brought the issue to light on the social media platform through his official Twitter account which has a following of over 1.48 million followers. Ruffalo wrote a very heartfelt message on Twitter calling Marvel out for not having made The Black Widow merchandise for kids.

The message by Ruffalo told Marvel he needs more Black Widow merchandise for his daughters and nieces. The star who potrays The Hulk in Avengers also added a Pretty Please in his message.  

Apparently Ruffalo is not the only person who has taken notice of the fact there is not enough merchandise on the Black Widow. As soon as Ruffalo tweeted the message fans took notice and started sharing their own views which were in accord.

Fans vehemently tweeted about the lack of representation the Black Widow has received and the hash tag #Where’sNatasha has even gone viral around the world. One fan even tweeted it would be great to make more merchandise on The Scarlett Witch as she’s a new Avengers female superhero.

Ruffalo proved by his sweet message he just a great father and uncle who wants to give his little girls and probably girls all around the world equal rights to play with their female superhero. Let’s hope the executives at Marvel take notice of the issue as if the fan response is any indication the market demand for The Black Widow merchandise is pretty high. 


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