Microsoft Acquires Wunderlist App Maker

Microsoft Acquires Wunderlist App Maker

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  • Microsoft acquires maker of a to-do list app called Wunderlist.

Microsoft has granted $100-$200 million to 6Wunderkinder GmbH the German company behind the app Wunderlist.

According to the Wall Street Journal the tech giant Microsoft is buying yet another app called Wunderlist. Microsoft appears to be on a roll since it has apparently given between a $100 million and $200 million grant to the German company 6Wunderkinder GmbH which created the app Wunderlist.

Wunderlist is an app which helps users in making a to-do list and it seems Microsoft has made it its life’s missions to simplify user’s chores. The purpose of the funding is not yet clear but it /4/be possible the app /4/be completely re-branded along with new upgrades. 

Wunderlist was launched in November 2010 as a desktop app but was later upgraded to an iPhone app in December 2010. Wunderlist allows users to create to-do lists that can be easily formulated and shared with friends & colleagues.

The distinctive quality about Wunderlist is that all the people with whom the list has been shared can alter it and therefore the list becomes a sort of social communication. Wunderlist is so popular it has a rating of four and a half stars on the app store. Wunderlist was previously launched by Apple on the desktop in the Macbook and was the Mac App of 2013. 

Previously Microsoft had acquired other apps and it seems the tech giant is trying to manage the most basic functions such as email, calendar and now to-do list. The email app called Acompli which allows users to reply to emails more easily was taken over by Microsoft last year and re-branded as Outlook. Earlier in 2015 Microsoft took over the reins of the app Sunrise which manages Calendars; however the app still functions independently.   

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