Mila Kunis upset over Chicken-Stealing Lawsuit

Mila Kunis upset over Chicken-Stealing Lawsuit

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The beautiful and sexy actress, Mila Kunis supposedly stole a chicken from a Ukrainian woman in the past. She is being sued by the lady for the torture she gave her many years ago.

A Ukrainian femme nikita is claiming that Mila Kunis stole her pet chicken names Doggie about a generation ago. She says that this cost her a lot of emotional and mental chagrin not to mention therapy bills for which she is suing Mila to the amount of $5000.

Mila, however, cannot believe her ears. She says this is all B.S. and Ashton Kutcher, her hubby, is taking her side all the way on this one. Mila was all teary-eyed and absolutely in shambles after she found out via the news that Kristina Karo, the Ukrainian lady, was out to get her.

Both Mila and Ashton claim in TMZ video that the woman is money-hungry since her litigation coincides with the making of a music video by the likes of her. Mila is reiterating again and again that she never pilfered a chicken from this lady. In fact, she and Ashton want to sue her right back for calumny and the unnecessary distress caused by her music video. 

But Kristina Karo is adamant and claims that Mila made off with her beloved pet poultry when she, Kristina, was just a child. Thus according to Kristina who is an aspiring songstress, Mila is almost guilty of child abuse since Kristina was very little when this supposed incident took place.

According to TMZ, Kristina further said that when she came to the USA and saw Mila for the first time, it caused her even more mental pain and she had to go see a therapist. All those collective bills ought to be covered by Mila, said Kristina.

Meanwhile, Mila is crying her heart out and begging for understanding since she swears that she never stole any chicken in the first place. It seems there is more than one point of view involved here. And so in this social war between Kristina and Mila, truth is indeed a casualty.

A chicken that was stolen about 25 years ago should not be a matter of life and death today. People do much worse with their own blood relations in the past and get away with it. Who cares about a stupid chicken that was names Doggie and probably would have choked on its own chickenfeed and died even if Mila had not stolen it in the first place.     


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