Miley Cyrus wins MTV Award without any Fuss

Miley Cyrus wins MTV Award without any Fuss

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Miley Cyrus has won an MTV award and that too without any of the usual fuss such as hip jerks and tongue protrusions.

This is the second time in a row that Miley Cyrus has won an MTV award minus the high jinx. She did not even choose to show her face on stage. 

Rather than twerking and thereby setting the media in a tizzy, she sent a homeless man on stage to collect the award on her behalf. 

Now, that is what we call style. The 22 year old derelict appeared before the large audience and said a few words of appreciation. 

He said that his name was Jesse and that he was collecting this award on behalf of the million plus runaway and homeless youth in the USA that happen to be scared witless and going hungry most of the time. 

Their life was tough and unbearable and he was one among so many. Then he went on to say that he had vegetated so far by living in many of the makeshift helter-skelter shelters for the homeless throughout the city. 

“My name is Jesse,” the young man said, reading from notes without mentioning his surname. “I am accepting this award on behalf of the 1.6 million runaways and homeless youth in the United States who are starving and lost and scared for their lives. I know, because I am one of those people.”

He reminded the audience that the music business made $7 billion annually and the people who were living the lives of hoboes outside were 54,000 in number. 

“I have survived in shelters all over this city,” he continued. “The music industry will make over $7 billion this year, and outside these doors are 54,000 human beings who have no place to call home.”

He said that if anyone in the audience wanted to make a difference they ought to visit Miley Cyrus’s page on Facebook. Miley cried tears of sympathy during the whole speech. 

The question on everybody’s mind is whether this is a publicity stunt or a genuine change of heart. Definitely, the symptoms of a radical transformation in spirit were there. 

Miley had Jesse, the homeless man spend some time in a hotel she booked for him and bought him some clothes so that he could look presentable enough at the MTV awards. 



But some say Miley is serious and wants to begin her anti-homelessness drive. However, the fact that she is living so upscale and has a wardrobe and rich lifestyle belies that fact that she is not that enthusiastic about this cause. 

If she was actually interested in helping the homeless she would have opened a large center for these troubled souls from all the money she had.

Source: NYTimes

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