Mortal Kombat X Release Date revealed

Mortal Kombat X Release Date revealed

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Here’s What to Expect in Upcoming Version of the Game

Mortal Kombat X has never been this interesting before. With its new style of gameplay and lots of interesting plot developments and twists, the game is simply going to become gruesome. The current game’s setting has been flashed forward 25 years from the last Mortal Kombat game and yes of course the characters are going to be aging here but with lots of wisdom retained.

We are also looking forward to some new characters as well which will join some of the classic characters which are going return from previous Mortal Kombat games. However, don’t expect all the characters to return from the previous title. Newer characters are always fun particularly when they are coming along some new challenges to be taken care of.

The co-creator of the game, Ed Boom, has been teasing the characters of the new game on a daily basis and these playful hints are being dropped on Twitter every now and then. He has been getting us to raise questions such as who /4/or /4/not make it into Mortal Kombat X. the screenshots from the game are not very helpful and are totally vague at this stage. Among them is a screenshot which shows the selection screen for the characters. Well, we will have to wait till its debut which isn’t going to be before April 15th next year.

source: latinpost

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