Mosasaurs Birth Mystery solved

Mosasaurs Birth Mystery solved

Image by Julius T. Csotonyi / Yale
  • Latest Evidence reveals Birthing Methods of Prehistoric Mosasaurs

The latest evidence collected by intricate scientific means reveals that the birthing methods of prehistoric Mosasaurs were unique. These giant marine lizards gave birth to their young in the ocean waters.

Researchers from Yale University and the University of Toronto have found out via complex heuristics that the huge marine lizards known as Mosasaurs that used to inhabit the oceans of prehistoric times employed singular habits of giving birth to their young.

These sea creatures, which could grow to 50 feet in length, produced young lizards in the ocean depths instead of on the sandy beaches. Mosasaurs lived 65 million years ago and are only found in fossil form today.

Their’s was the age of the dinosaurs when the saurians and terrible lizards roamed the earth’s dense jungles and swamps and mammals were about the size of tiny shrews. Mosasaurs were the rulers of the oceans during the Mesozoic Era and their birthing methods remained a mystery until recently when scientists joined heads and put two and two together.

Most of the baby Mosasaur fossils belonged to samples collected a century ago. Way back then due to ignorance they were thought to belong to prehistoric birds. But today with the progress of science and the advantage of hindsight we know better. 

The species fossils were found in regions that had been oceanic in nature in prehistoric times. This gave the vital clue that was the missing piece in the jigsaw puzzle of the Mosasaur. Whatever the case, one thing is for sure and that is that these giant ocean-faring lizards didn’t lay eggs but gave birth to live young in the context of the expansive waters of the oceans.

Thus there is now solid proof that the birthing process of Mosasaurs was not in the usual manner thought of by past paleontologists and marine biologists. These gargantuan beasts of the subterranean depths were like snakes in their sinuousness and were flesh-eaters to boot.

They were reptiles that grew to humongous sizes and were on the top of the food chain at least in the ocean waters that is. And they traversed the waters with agility and superior speed. They ate a Piscean diet that also included mollusks, turtles and giant prawns.

They were vicious predators that could exert a tremendous pressure on their prey with their mandibles which were armed with pointed teeth. Today with our knowledge about these ancient creatures having undergone revision, the fields of paleontology and archaeology have been enriched for the better. 


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