Nepal Earthquake Death Toll Climbs Over 2500, World Orgs Respond To Help Signal

Nepal Earthquake Death Toll Climbs Over 2500, World Orgs Respond To Help Signal

Credit: Getty Images
  • Google PeopleFinder back.
  • One Google exec deceased.
  • Numbers expected to climb.

On April 25, Nepal was struck by a 7.8 magnitude earthquake and expected death tolls to climb over 2,500. Organizations and companies offer relief.

USA Today reports that over 2,500 people are confirmed dead after the 7.8 earthquake that rocked Nepal early Saturday, April 25. The news organization pointed out that rescue efforts are still viable because Kathmandu’s international airport is still functional and some roads from India are still navigable, even with a 6.8 aftershock on Sunday, April 26.

“That means supplies could potentially come in overland from India. That is a positive sign,” said Save the Children’s Ben Pickering. The British humanitarian adviser added, “The airport opening is a small miracle.”

Speaking of potential bottlenecks due to government and non-government agency rescue and supplies, he said that road conditions are not easily traversed in many areas near the epicenter.

“Going forward it’s about access to the epicenter, and helicopters are the key, but it’s not clear whether they can be sourced and whether the high altitude is a problem.” The earthquake was felt in Nepal and India with buildings in Kathmandu collapsing, killing and trapping many more people.

Save the Children plans to donate supplies to 2,000 families over the next several days. Supplies will include bedding, buckets, and basic supplies for those dislocated. The paper reports that tent cities have popped up in the stricken area, so aid is vital to many Nepalese who feel unsafe in buildings as powerful aftershocks shake the ground. However, space is at a premium in the area.

And UNICEF pointed out that over 940,000 children are affected by the devastation and are in “urgent need” of assistance. The organization stated decreasing water supplies, power outages and shortages, and limited-to-no telecommunication are creating havoc in aid relief.

“There were at least three big quakes at night and early morning. How can we feel safe? This is never-ending and everyone is scared and worried.” In an interview with the Associated Press, Kathmandu resident Sundar Sah spoke about what worries most of the locals. “I hardly got much sleep. I was waking up every few hours and glad that I was alive.”

Home Ministry official Laxmi Dhakl expects the numbers to rise as hospitals are overcapacity and limited storage spaces for bodies. The U.S. Mission in Nepal directly released $1 million in aid while Australia pledged $5 million. And the U.K. is expected to send £5 million in aid relief along with workers, according to the BBC. The Department for International Development will give £3 million for groundwork and the rest to the Red Cross for supplies and aid. China and Pakistan pledged aid as well.

With over 5,900 injured and 2,500 dead, the earthquake is the most deadly in over eight decades. 2,430 of the 2,500 were in Nepal and does not count those at Mount Everest. The actual number of injury and death are unknown as people slowly begin connecting to organizations and families, checking in.

In searching for people, Google has instituted the PeopleFinder tool once again. The collection of information on those in affected by natural disasters is an online database and text message system. Information is not guaranteed but /4/point those searching in the right direction. The link for the 2015 Nepal Earthquake i live. Google Maps is looking to incorporate the latest satellite feeds to help in efforts.

However, Google faced its own sense of mortality over the death of one of the company’s most innovative minds.

CNN Money also notes that Google X executive Dan Fredinburg died climbing Mount Everest, while two other employees survived. He worked on some of the more futuristic initiatives, like Google Glass and driveless cars, and helped form the Google Adventure Team, which took 360-degree photos of Mt. Everest and the Great Barrier Reef in Australia. Along the trip, he documented the exploration through his Instagram.

“We appreciate all of the love that has been sent our way thus far and know his soul and his spirit will live on in so many of us.” Fredinburg succumbed to severe head injury, according to his sister Megan on Instagram. “All our love and thanks to those who shared this life with our favorite hilarious strong willed man. He was and is everything to us.”

Former girlfriend Sophia Bush posted her grief on Instagram, calling him “an incredible brother, a brilliant engineer, and a damn good man.”
Love and appreciation of the man he was shone clearly through memories. “His energy is so big and so bright, and it’s all around us, so put some love toward him today. And then hug your loved ones again.”

There are no adequate words. Today I find myself attempting to pick up the pieces of my heart that have broken into such tiny shards, I’ll likely never find them all. Today I, and so many of my loved ones, lost an incredible friend. Dan Fredinburg was one-of-a-kind. Fearless. Funny. A dancing robot who liked to ride dinosaurs and chase the sun and envision a better future for the world. His brain knew how to build it. His heart was constantly evolving to push himself to make it so. He was one of my favorite human beings on Earth. He was one of the great loves of my life. He was one of my truest friends. He was an incredible brother, a brilliant engineer, and a damn good man. I’m devastated and simultaneously so deeply grateful to have known and loved him, and to have counted him as one of my tribe. I was so looking forward to our planned download of “all the things” when he got home. I am crushed that I will never hear that story. I am crushed knowing that there are over 1,000 people in Nepal suffering this exact feeling, knowing that they too will never hear another tale about an adventure lived from someone that they love. Disasters like this are often unquantifiable, the enormity is too much to understand. Please remember that each person who is now gone was someone’s Dan. Please remember that our time on this Earth is not guaranteed. Please tell those you love that you do. Right now. This very minute. And please send a kiss to the sky for my friend Dan. His energy is so big and so bright, and it’s all around us, so put some love toward him today. And then hug your loved ones again. #goodbyesweetfriend #savetheice #Nepal

A photo posted by Sophia Bush (@sophiabush) on

The Chicago P.D. actress also focused on others during her grief. “Disasters like this are often unquantifiable, the enormity is too much to understand. Please remember that each person who is now gone was someone’s Dan.”

The world mourns the climbing number of deaths but must remember each victim was important to someone. Nepal’s rehabilitation from the crisis will involve time, energy and on-going healing. Especially as the aftershocks continue to shake the foundation underneath the feet of so many.



Sources: BBC, CNN Money, Google, Instagram, USA Today


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