Nicholas Brendon Enters Rehab

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  • ‘Buffy the Vampire Slayer’ star Nicholas Brendon enters rehab!

Nicholas Brendon has entered rehab to battle depression, alcoholism, and substance abuse problems after a string of arrests.

On Monday a statement was posted on the official Facebook account of Nicholas Brendon by his representative Andrea Albin. According to the post the former ‘Buffy the Vampire Slayer’ star has entered rehab earlier in the day of the 1st of June.

The actor is apparently seeking help to issues such as depression, alcohol addiction and other substance abuse. The treatment will start in a California facility where Brendon can take the steps necessary for accomplishing a healthy lifestyle. 

Nicholas Brendon had currently been under the spotlight for his erratic behaviour has he been arrested three times in 2015 only and had a short lived and troubled marriage to Moonda Tee. Brendon was arrested for the third time for public intoxication in /4/and had previously entered rehab twice in 2004 and 2010. 

 The statement further revealed Brendon has been aware of his problems for some time and has become aware he needs to eliminate the obstacles and move on in his life. Brendon had been trying to seek treatments since his arrest in October last year but has come to the understanding the under-lying issues of his illnesses need to be addressed first. 

The message further read Brendon will be spending two months of June and July in rehab and asked the friends and fans to give positive messages of support on the Facebook page.

Furthermore the post detailed how letters of support can be mailed to an email address of ‘[email protected]’ which will be forwarded to Nicholas Brendon for positive support during his time in rehab.  The statement acknowledged the 44 year old actor Nicholas Brendon will soon return to the circuit after his rehab stint ends. 

Earlier today, with the support of his professional team, his friends, and his family, Nicky entered a rehabilitation…Posted by Nicholas Brendon on Monday, June 1, 2015

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