Oklahoma University SAE Fraternity shut down due to Racist Video

Oklahoma University SAE Fraternity shut down due to Racist Video

University of Oklahoma

The SAE fraternity of Oklahoma University has been shut down due to an ethnically insulting video. The racist chant engaged in by members in the video is plainly disgusting.

A video clip went viral which showed members of the Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity singing along to a racist dirge. The University heads are investigating the incident and have decided to expel all the members involved in the racially denigrating video. Even those indirectly involved with the making of the video as well as those who participated in the event will have their memberships annulled.

The President David Boren said that any students of his university who were a part of this charade will be dealt with in the most exemplary manner and zero tolerance will be shown for such a blatant act of racism.

He furthermore spoke of how such bad behavior went against the very grain of their nature as true gentlemen and this was not what they were all about. Basically, the video clip portrays a whole bunch of students on a bus who are denying that there will be a Black American with them. And the word they use is the long since defunct one that is now an extremely racist and offensive term.

This is of course the “N” word. And we don’t need to go into the details of the “N” word since it is pretty obvious what it stands for. The SAE apologized for the video and issued a statement to the effect that it was expelling those who were involved in the incident.

They offered their sincere camaraderie with anyone who felt denigrated by the racist remarks in the video and avouched the fact that all ethnicities ought to be shown respect and honor as was the mien of decent law-abiding citizens everywhere. 

The video was indeed quite a source of shame and embarrassment for the University. The lingo employed in the video is not only rude and obnoxious, it is downright unpalatable for any African American with the least amount of self respect in him or her.

The fraternity chapter is being closed down for good. One of the authorities responsible for administering justice on this matter had said that we do not live in a post-racial America. Such an incident proved that Blacks still need to fight for their rights in the United States as much as they did half a century back in Selma where they marched against repression by the state.

The video even showed the white members saying nasty stuff such as the unbelievable phrase that there ought to be more lynchings of Blacks. Such extremely offensive hate speech ought to be awarded the maximum ostracism and most draconian of punishments of exclusion as were necessary.

We are living in the 21st century when such backward viewpoints such as racism and racial discrimination will not be given any heed by those with even a little bit of common sense. It was many decades ago that a fine gentleman such as Martin Luther King Jr. fought for the basic civil rights of the minorities.

He was assassinated for his efforts and several whites actually wept on the day of his funeral. Today we have come a long way yet it seems all the ethical evolution and radical change was lost on some people.

At least the students aboard that bus where the racist chant took place seem to have been unaffected by the whole change of scenario. They still belong in the pre-civil rights change days. Otherwise why would they have engaged in such a pathetic and disgusting act. 


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