Pao loses and Knox Wins

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  • court late Friday overturned the murder conviction against Amanda Knox, of Seattle, and her ex-boyfriend in the 2007 slaying of Knox’s roommate

Two very different women got the results of their court cases in the past hours.

Friday was a big day in court for two women. Ellen Pao lost her gender discrimination lawsuit against her former employer Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers. A reason to celebrate has in contrast Amanda Knox. Italian’s highest court overturned the murder conviction against Amanda Knox. In an impromptu press-conference in front of Knox’s home in Seattle, she was over-joyed that her ordeal has ended.

Amanda Knox and her ex-boyfriend have been accused killing British student Mererdith Kercher back in 2007 in Italy. Knox spent four years in prison right after the murder and was acquitted the first time in 2011. 27-year-old Knox can be seen in the photo above with her fiancé Colin Sutherland when talking to the press after receiving the good news.

“I am so grateful for the justice I have received. … I am so grateful to have my life back,” Knox said according to Seattle Times.

Ellen Pao has no reason to celebrate. She lost on all counts of her historic gender discrimination suit against the famous Silicon Valley venture capital company. If she had won she could have been awarded of up to $160 million. The month long trial revealed details about how men at KPCB behaved and how they excluded female colleges was not enough to make a case against the big venture capital player.

According to Re/Code, Ellen Pao said after the verdict was announced: “I want to thank my family and friends and everyone, male and female, who has reached out to tell me their stories. I have told my story and thousands of people have heard it. My story is their story. If I’ve helped to level the playing field for women and minorities in venture capital, then the battle was worth it. Now it’s time for me to get back to my career.” 

Ellen Pao posted a lengthy message on Twitter expressing what she experienced. She is disappointed that she lost, but glad she got her story heard.

1. Thank you, world.

2. I have been inspired by the thousands of people who have reached out to me over the past three years with support.

3. I’ve heard from people in Kazakhstan, Bangladesh, Australia, Malaysia, France, Argentina, Norway, Tanzania, Finland, and beyond.

4. Because of social media and live reports, the problem of gender discrimination in venture capital has received attention around the globe

5. While today’s outcome is a disappointment, I take consolation in knowing that people really listened

6. If we do not share our stories and shine a light on inequities, things will not change

7. Hopefully my case will inspire the venture capital industry to level the playing field for everyone, including women and minorities

9. To support the entrepreneurs of tomorrow, we need to show leadership today.

10. And thank you to the team and board @reddit for standing by me.

It remains to be seen if there is an impact in company cultures in Silicon Valley after this high profile court case. Ellen Pao serves right now as interim CEO at reddit.


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