Russia Likely Hacked White House in 2014

Russia Likely Hacked White House in 2014

A security breach in the White House computer system is believed to have given an unidentified group of Russian hackers access to sensitive information about President Barack Obama, CNN reported Wednesday. The report said that hackers, thought to be behind attacks on U.S. State Department servers in recent months, were able to use that perch to enter into sensitive parts of the White House system. The Secret Service and FBI have been investigating.

The White House was first notified of the hacking in October, but didn’t initially report because it had only affected an unclassified network that serves the executive office of the president, according to the report. Still the report said that the hackers had insider information to President Obama’s schedule. 

Deputy National Security Adviser, Ben Rhodes, refused to confirm or acknowledge that the attack was carried out by Russian hackers, but assured CNN that classified servers containing top secret information were not believed to have been compromised. It is unclear whether or not the Russian hackers are still able to infiltrate the system or whether they have been locked out. Neither the U.S. State Department nor the Russian Embassy immediately responded to a request for comment when contacted by CNN or any other news media.

This troubling news comes after former Defense Intelligence Chief Lieutenant General, Michael Flynn, revealed to Fox News on Tuesday that there was a “very high” probability that former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s e-mail account had been hacked by foreign intelligence agencies in Russia, China, Iran, or North Korea.



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