Samsung Smart TVs are inserting Ads into User’s Videos

Samsung Smart TVs are inserting Ads into User's Videos

Credit: Samsung

Once again the Samsung Smart TV comes under fire by users.

Well if you are a Samsung TV user you would have been quite furious this past week due to the voice recognition software that had started to record owners conversations by itself and the Samsung TV came under fire for invading this privacy.

Now it seems that the Samsung TV users are going to be furious once again but this time it’s got nothing to do with privacy rather this time users are complaining about unwanted advertising. Users are now complaining that their Samsung smart TVs have started to insert short advertisements directly into their video streaming apps with no influence from the third party app providers. 

It seems that nothing is going in Samsung’s smart TV way as just last week it had come under attack when its voice recognition software started capturing personal information and transmitting it to third parties.

The issue was then discovered and taken care of by Samsung but now there is yet another problem for Samsung and its smart TV. Well the complains that have been received about the unwanted advertising is about a Pepsi advertisement that appears during content streamed through the Smart TV apps from personal media libraries and video streaming services. 

This new issue has been recently reported on the Plex streaming service which is a brand of media player that allows its users to stream their own video from a personal library or hard drive and push it to a smart TV. One customer even took to the company’s customer forum to explain his problem.

A user wrote on Reddit that he has recently upgraded his Plex Media Server to version 0.9.1101 and after every 10-15 minutes while watching content on his Samsung TV he gets a Pepsi advertisement. He also explained that sometimes he can get out of it while most of the time the TV hangs and restarts. 

Moreover in Australia the customers of Foxtel, which is the country’s largest pay TV provider, have also started to complain about similar issues on Samsung TVs. The Pepsi ad is also haunting the users here except that this time it is appearing during the use of Foxtel’s streaming app which is built into the Samsung SamrtHub interface.

A customer also wrote on the Foxtel forums stating that after nearly 15 minutes of watching live TV his screen goes black and then a Pepsi ad which takes up about half the screen appears.

A Foxtel spokesperson than made a statement to CNet and said that this ad is an unintentional action by Samsung and that Foxtel is working closely with them to solve the problem as soon as possible. Samsung Electronics Australia issued a statement afterwards and stated that this issue has been solved and that the users need not worry.

It seems that nothing is going Samsung’s way. However Samsung needs to look into these problems that find why it happened. 

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