Secret Service Taught Malia How to Drive

Secret Service Taught Malia How to Drive

The First Lady admits that she hasn’t driven in seven or eight years and doesn’t remember the basics.

In an interview on The Rachel Ray Show, First Lady Michelle Obama admits that the Secret Service taught Malia how to drive, because the first last hasn’t driven in seven or eight years! She was mostly taught on the White House grounds, but occasionally goes out by herself – even though that scares the President and First Lady. 

During an interview on Monday, Obama told the “Live! With Kelly and Michael,” audience that when Malia asked her for advice on how to park in a public lot, the First Lady wasn’t sure.

“I barely know now too so I have to check with other sources,” she said.

As for the lack of security when Malia goes out, that is just part of the Obama’s approach to giving their children a sense of normalcy in a situation where there is really nothing normal happening.

“She always has security around. But in order for her to learn how to drive, she had to drive on her own. So once she was legally permitted to drive on her own, she gets in her car,” Michelle told Ray.

“Driving for Malia, I think, gives her a sense of normalcy, like the rest of her friends are doing. And my kids have got to learn how to live in the world like normal kids,” she said.

At least if Malia does get a speeding or parking ticket, her dad might be able to get her out of it.


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