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The Sony Steve Jobs movie will have Seth Rogen as Steve Wozniak. As reported Christian Bale is Steve Jobs.
Seth Rogen has been selected to play Steve Wozniak opposite of Christian Bale who plays Steve Jobs in the Sony Jobs biopic based on the Walter Isaacson biography reports Variety. I think Seth Rogen is a great choice to play the quirky Woz. The report also says that Jessica Chastain is considered for an unspecified role.
Sony has the rights to Walter Isaacson’s biography of Steve Jobs. The movie based on the book has not moved forward quickly and there have been already other Steve Jobs movies. Aaron Sorkin is still working on the screen adaption of Isaacson’s book. Filming of the Sony produced Steve Jobs movie is supposed to start in the next couple of months. Aaron Sorkin won an Oscar for the screenplay for The Social Network. This is giving Apple fans high hopes that the Sony Jobs’ movie will be a master piece, worthy of legendary Apple founder Steve Jobs.
Steve Jobs died October 5, 2011 at the age of 56. He died of respiratory arrest related to a pancreas neuroendocrine tumor. His legacy is overwhelming. Just this week one of the first Apple computers (Apple I) that Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak assembled himself got sold for $905,000 in an auction. This huge amount of money just shows how deeply the world’s computer history has been shaped by Steve Jobs with Apple.