Verizon’s More Everything receives price cuts

Verizon's More Everything receives price cuts

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Following price cut from major competitors, Verizon slashes off prices from various data plans

The recent price cuts from AT&T are surely giving some tough competition to Verizon since they managed to get a lot of attention from customers. And the competition increased further when T-Mobile started its relentless UnCarrier marketing blitz. Following this, Verizon felt the need to tweak features of its More Everything plan in such a way which would increase benefits for the customers. These changes are going to be perfect for the more data-thirsty customers.

At the moment, those who have been subscribed for the Company’s Edge early-upgrade program can sign up for 10GB or more of data and they will be given the benefit of adding an additional smartphones to their plan for $15. This is a $5 discount becasue previously users would have to way $20. Apart from this, the Big Red has also received a price cut and its monthly charges have dropped from $40 to $25. If you look at it this way that a family of four will pay $160 a month for 10GB of data and unlimited calls and texts, then it appears to be really very cheap. We can now say that Verizon is dealing with its competitors on their own terms.



source: verizonwireless

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